For the red beast, or fox pens
In the view of most hunters, pen hunting is a hunt for wild boars, moose or deer. And it is not surprising, because even the Rules of Hunting clearly define…

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The new Rules of Hunting were perceived by many, not very understanding hunters, almost as a total ban on spring hunting for a goose. No, this is certainly not the…

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Boar hunting
In the Volgograd region, from June 1, the boar hunting season opened. At the same time it is allowed to carry out it only with the help of towers. The…


Trophy hunting appeared in our country relatively recently. More precisely, in the Soviet Union there was none at all, and the best elks 'horns were used to decorate the hunting…


Despite such an active and diverse activities of the National Fund of St. Trifon, the implementation of its main task is the revival of the traditions of the Russian national…

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stance was created

Pheasant hunting in the UK

Among the admirers of hunting tourism, perhaps, there is no such fan of hunting by a feather who would not dream of visiting a driven hunt in Great Britain.And who, preparing for a hunt on the near pond, would not draw for himself delightful pictures of such hunts: light fog, you wear a hunting jacket, a cap on your head, which Sherlock Holmes wore, you put an elegant butt of high resolution in the shoulder, descent, two shots sound, and a couple of pheasants fall at your feet … Alas, but the harsh reality drives away dreams, as the wind disperses the fog: the wife tears off the sacrament – ammunition equipment – and once again strongly reminds of the need to replace th burnt out lamp. Continue reading


Sokolnichy was not just a confidant of the king, but also a constant companion, and often an adviser, so it was not easy to enter this service. Admission to the service was done on oath, in which not only people but also birds were present – they were the main guests of the ceremony. The procedure was opened with “Bird dressing” – symbolic donning of nouvets, klobuchkov and bells. At this solemn moment, they did not forget that there was no real falconer without a horse – for this, a haystack covered with a blanket was placed in the hut, where the sovereign was waiting. Around the hay – four chairs for the four best birds. The whole ritual was performed with deep meaning, the glove worker was handed a glove, and only after that he took the falcon on his hand. Continue reading


The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct – a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild predators, were based on the hunting instinct on the food reflex as a factor necessary for existence. In the process of domestication of the dog, the man, taking care of the feed, gradually removed the ultimate goal of the wild predators’ hunting reflex – to eat the prey and developed it, and also strengthened the hunting instinct from them. Continue reading

Boar hunting
In the Volgograd region, from June 1, the boar hunting season opened. At the same time it is allowed to carry out it only with the help of towers. The…


Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone
September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not…


Sokolnichy was not just a confidant of the king, but also a constant companion, and often an adviser, so it was not easy to enter this service. Admission to the…
