Popular hunting methods
Watching roe deer I want to immediately make a reservation, in my opinion, any stalking of the beast can be called amateur hunting rather than sports. A person who gives…

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Almost like in Africa
In my youth, back in the Soviet era, I often went to the bestial hunt, where mostly moose were shot. These were the annual trips with the hunting team, in…

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Boar hunting
In the Volgograd region, from June 1, the boar hunting season opened. At the same time it is allowed to carry out it only with the help of towers. The…


Woodcock hunting
I can not imagine a more beautiful spring woodcock thrust, obviously awakened nature after a long winter, gives such a hunt a special color. In the old days, when the…


The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct - a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild…

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other shelters

Hunting a hare with a penguin

Our hunt for a hare is still more individual. Pens are not used, and therefore purely German use in this form of continental poles is hardly advisable, and ineffective. The dog will simply steal the hare about 300 meters, and then throw. There is no question of any work and rutting with a voice in circles. In addition, such a dog will eventually be beaten off from the hands, leaving a long distance without contact with the hunter. Continue reading

For the red beast, or fox pens

In the view of most hunters, pen hunting is a hunt for wild boars, moose or deer. And it is not surprising, because even the Rules of Hunting clearly define the terms of “driven hunts of ungulates”. But this does not mean at all that it is only possible to hunt with a pen for those who have horns and hooves. A good example is Romania, where for many years in the foothills of the Carpathians was held
“Royal Driven Hunting” for bears. It must be said, very gambling and mined, but literally a year ago banned under the influence of the “greens”. In Russia, the hunted foxes and hares turned out to be very popular. Continue reading

Fox hunting
In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the…


On hare tracks
Long time ago, rifle salvos on duck-dawns died down, and the battered brethren moved together towards the south. Fritters have restrained their ardor and are less likely to respond to…


Peter II, Anna Ivanovna, and Elizaveta Petrovna, have been hunting for hundreds of years, they still love her throughout Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are…
