Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone
September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not…

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Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…

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Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…


Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…


Fox hunting
In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the…

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If you have already decided on a fishing tour, and know how to choose it correctly, then we offer you Fishing, Leisure and Underwater hunting on the Volga.

Fishing on the Lower Volga is amazing: zherex, pike, carp, pike perch, bream, tolstolobik, perch, som – more than a hundred species of fish inhabit the waters of her bassein. Fishing in the Astrakhan region is great all the time! Astrakhan region is the ideal place for fishing in the Volga and oxtods for waterfowl and wild pheasant. If you want to feel sorry for yourself with your favorite client, combining fishing in the Volga with a comfort and go back home with an honorary trip – fishing in the Volga Delta in the spring and in the autumn is not a fun, but you can also enjoy your own fishing. And underwater hunters and in the summer is not hot.

At the height of the season, many people gather on the Volga and everyone tries to catch something. For their part, underwater inhabitants also adapt to the behavior of anglers and become more cautious; catching fish in the Volga is not as easy as 10 years ago. But even today, anglers who find themselves in the right place at the right time have a chance to catch a trophy catfish or a large pike perch. Fans of carp fishing can still successfully catch carp pits in occupied pits and carp trails along the brooks. Do not remain idle and those who like to catch asp on shallows and sandy spits near the islands.

Spring fishing on the Volga in open water brings catches to anglers throughout the daylight hours. The bite of underwater inhabitants at this time is quite even – without noticeable fluctuations. But for those who are interested in fishing on the Volga in the spring, first of all, with their trophies, we recommend to go to the river in the evening twilight. Just at dusk, the largest perch is caught. On it trolling effectively works. On the jig from the catch point, you can also remove a lot of fanged predators.

In the spring, the perch biting on the Volga depends to a great extent on the temperature of the water and on its level. Usually in late April, flood starts, which will last until mid-June. In the period of maximum warming up of the water even before its increase (this time falls on the second half of April), one can observe the best bite of the perch. If the water temperature in the Volga at the time of arrival is in the range of 5 to 8 degrees, then you can count on a good bite. But the weather in the Astrakhan region during this period is very unpredictable, warming can quickly be replaced by a chilly cold, which will force to wear winter clothing again.

In late April-early May, floods begin, read about the peculiarities of fishing on the Volga during this period at the link above. And at the end of May, a huge amount of Astrakhan gnats fly out, which seriously complicates the lives of fishermen and local residents. Few are decided on a trip to the Astrakhan region at this time, but in vain …

In fact, summer fishing on the Volga in the Astrakhan region is the period from the end of June to September. Practically the whole of June is of no interest to most fishermen due to the dominance of the midges, and September we add to the summer season due to local climatic features. At this time, it is still warm, you can even say – it’s hot. Air temperature affects the behavior of fish, which is not much different from the August.

At the end of June, a significant part of the fish stock moves away from the spawning grounds to a place where there is a more noticeable current, and the water is slightly cooler. Such places are rolling and sand spit on the Volga and Akhtuba. On them massively chehon going, which begins to destroy the asp and catfish. In late June, the biting of the spawned carp begins, which is caught under steepleeds and on the edges of the sealed banks.

The period of steady and prolonged heat has not yet arrived, the fish on the Volga pecks in the range from 9 to 15 hours, after which time up to 19 hours can be devoted to lunch at the fishing base, swimming and rest. Evening spike in activity of underwater inhabitants is usually observed from 19 h and lasts until 21 h. In the evening, pikeperch must be caught in smaller places.

We do not recommend anglers to be on the water with the purpose of fishing in the period from 3 o’clock in the afternoon until 7 pm. At this time it is very hot, and the fish takes no matter. The only exception is catfish trolling, its bites are possible throughout the day.

When the period of summer Astrakhan heat comes (July-August, and in recent years and September), at this time the temperature in the shade often reaches 40 degrees. Water during the heat warms up to 22-24 degrees, which affects the behavior of underwater inhabitants. Spinning fishing on the Volga at this time comes down mainly to night fishing for zander. The pike perch shows its activity in the morning (before 6:00) and evening dawn, but mainly at night. During the heat of the day, finding an active predator, even at proven places, is very difficult – most of the “points” are silent.

On hare tracks
Long time ago, rifle salvos on duck-dawns died down, and the battered brethren moved together towards the south. Fritters have restrained their ardor and are less likely to respond to…


Hunting a hare with a penguin
Our hunt for a hare is still more individual. Pens are not used, and therefore purely German use in this form of continental poles is hardly advisable, and ineffective. The…


Boar hunting
In the Volgograd region, from June 1, the boar hunting season opened. At the same time it is allowed to carry out it only with the help of towers. The…
