Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…

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Здоровье младенца и мамы
Peter II, Anna Ivanovna, and Elizaveta Petrovna, have been hunting for hundreds of years, they still love her throughout Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are…

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Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…


Wild boar hunting in Russia, wild boar hunting methods
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Trophy hunting appeared in our country relatively recently. More precisely, in the Soviet Union there was none at all, and the best elks 'horns were used to decorate the hunting…

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Hunting with a dog

Hunting should always be a complex – a hunter, a gun, a dog. Hunting a dog is much more interesting and productive. The wounded animal hiding in the supports cannot be reached without a dog. Yes, and the wounded beast can be missed. But, going on a hunt, a hunter should not forget about the safety precautions when hunting with a dog. You can read about hunting requirements with dogs of hunting breeds in the Rules of Hunting.

Vaccinations for the hunting dog

Before going hunting, a dog must be vaccinated against rabies for at least two weeks. You do not know which animal you will meet in the forest field. A met fox can be sick, so it’s better to vaccinate your pets beforehand than to risk their health.

As soon as spring begins, ticks immediately begin to be more active. Therefore, even before entering the forest, field, the dog must be treated from ticks. And further process at least once a month. Now there is a rather wide assortment of both sprays and “pipettes” of both imported and domestic production. I would just like to remind you that the dog must be very carefully processed no less than three days before the hunt. If the dog is treated for ticks immediately before the hunt, and it falls into a puddle, a swamp, or just under the rain, then there will be no effect from such processing.
Outfit a hunter with a dog
The hunter needs to have a leash for his dog, throwing over his shoulder so that he has nothing in his hands except a weapon. In the forest it is not necessary for the dog to run and scare away all life. A long leash in the hands of the hunter will prevent him from moving through the forest, constantly clinging to the bushes. The dog will have to constantly return because of the large trees, pull up, be distracted from the hunt itself or on the way to the hunt and back. And having thrown the leash over the shoulder, and having fastened the dog at the waist level on the short leash, you will free your hands, you will not have to constantly be distracted from walking and hunting, straightening the dog. And the dog will feel the constant control of the hunter, she will have no desire to run away, to distract, to check the grounds on her own. With a well-aimed shot, the dog can be unfastened with a single movement of the hand and sent to the search.

Every hunter with a dog will always have a place in the backpack for a bowl, for water, necessary medications, and essentials to bandage the wound to his pet. If the dog responds to the whistle, then do not forget it.

Hunting dogs, hunting with a dog, a dog on a hunt, vaccinations for a hunting dog, preparing a dog for a hunt, what to take for a hunt, a hunting dog on a hunt

Rules of conduct hunter with a dog
Each hunter before going on the hunt is obliged to instruct on safety during hunting and handling of hunting weapons. Never and under no circumstances violates these rules and remembers that it is not only his safety, but also the safety of others, first of all his faithful friend and helper – the dog. Knowing that the dogs not only track down the game, but also do not mind playing on a halt, the hunter will always make sure that his weapon is kept unloaded and that the ammunition is hidden in a metal box.

With all sorts of rustles and noises, even if your pet is nearby, you can not shoot at the noise, especially in bad weather conditions. You may unintentionally injure either another hunter or a dog following in the wake. A Russian hound from afar can be easily mistaken for either a large fox or a wolf, therefore, you first need to make sure of who you are shooting at.
The rules of the dog on the hunt
It is best to teach the dog to feed the game clearly in the hands or bypass the owner and sit with the game in the mouth and wait until the owner takes the game. And this is not a circus number. This is, above all, the safety technique of hunting. Throwing the hunter’s legs into the bird’s carcass, the dog creates a traumatic situation. A hunter can simply stumble over a carcass underfoot, fall down and get injured or pull the trigger of a loaded gun while hunting down game. As a result, someone may suffer.

After a successful shooting, when reloading weapons, the hunter must make sure that the trunks are directed not only from people, buildings, but also from their own and other dogs. Dogs with the best way to take on a leash or tied to a tree or a support, so as not to interfere with reloading the gun.

If a hunter with a dog overcomes obstacles – ditches, rivers, streams, then he must follow not only the fact that his gun is unloaded, but also the actions of the dog. An experienced dog breeder will always recall the dog if she is too interested in the fact that in the bushes, in the river, in the creek. What or who could be there? This is a bear cub, a wild boar, a badger, and a beaver. Who knows what will happen to your dog after such a meeting? After all, it was not once when hunters with cops returned from snipe hunting along the river. The dogs, having caught a beaver, engaged in a fight with him. It is good if the beaver leaves from inexperienced dogs.

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