Despite such an active and diverse activities of the National Fund of St. Trifon, the implementation of its main task is the revival of the traditions of the Russian national…

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Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…

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Boar hunting
In the Volgograd region, from June 1, the boar hunting season opened. At the same time it is allowed to carry out it only with the help of towers. The…


For the red beast, or fox pens
In the view of most hunters, pen hunting is a hunt for wild boars, moose or deer. And it is not surprising, because even the Rules of Hunting clearly define…


If you have already decided on a fishing tour, and know how to choose it correctly, then we offer you Fishing, Leisure and Underwater hunting on the Volga. Fishing on…

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Wild boar hunting in Russia, wild boar hunting methods

Recently, the so-called African swine fever has caused enormous damage to the wild boar population in Russia, and the reduction of its numbers is now not even a matter of natural processes, but of compulsory regulation of the numbers for shooting most of the wild population. In many cases, this is done not even for the purpose of carrying out preventive measures, but, I would say, to reduce the competition of wild boar to the products of local pig farms. Because wild boar in the regions sometimes constitutes a significant source of food for the local population. Continue reading

Caspian Sea

Passion for hunting was imparted to me by elder brother Vasily. Even as a kid, he often took me with him to the sea, to the mountains for kekliks, or to the sands for hares. Hares there live in the desert sands and at the foot of the rocky mountains. I remember both my first keklik, and the first hare, and the first kashkaldak (coot), I will devote to this bird a separate article. Unlike the middle belt hunters, Caspian hunters respect kashkaldak.
The village in which I was born and raised is in Azerbaijan, south of Baku, on the Caspian Sea, formerly it was called Duvanna, then renamed Gobustan, meaning “land of ravines and gorges” in translation. Nearby in the mountains is the Gobustan Reserve, which is known for its rock art, which has been preserved here since the Mesolithic period. Continue reading


Trophy hunting appeared in our country relatively recently. More precisely, in the Soviet Union there was none at all, and the best elks ‘horns were used to decorate the hunting organizations’ offices, hangers and knob handles, at best. And only after wealthy people appeared in the new Russia, who do not always know how to occupy their leisure time, trophy hunting became one of the entertainments. The wealthy Russian hunters began to go abroad and learn from the European and African experience. Continue reading

Woodcock hunting
I can not imagine a more beautiful spring woodcock thrust, obviously awakened nature after a long winter, gives such a hunt a special color. In the old days, when the…


The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct - a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild…


The new Rules of Hunting were perceived by many, not very understanding hunters, almost as a total ban on spring hunting for a goose. No, this is certainly not the…
