Hunting in Karelia is distinguished by its rich variety. Opens in the spring for 10 days on the capercaillie, black grouse, goose, ducks and woodcock drakes. In addition to geese,…

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Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…

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Every major camouflage company has its own color palette, if it produces fabrics itself, or uses a standard one, developed by suppliers of raw materials. Russian colors are significantly different…


Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…


Wild boar hunting in Russia, wild boar hunting methods
Recently, the so-called African swine fever has caused enormous damage to the wild boar population in Russia, and the reduction of its numbers is now not even a matter of…

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impossible to conduct

Tsar’s Hunt

Since ancient times, hunting with a bird of prey was not so much a way of getting hunting trophies as art and entertainment at the same time. It has not lost its value even to this day. Today, enthusiasts in Kazakhstan, Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain, Pakistan, England, the United Arab Emirates, Hungary, and many other countries hunt in the world with a bird of prey. Continue reading


The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct – a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild predators, were based on the hunting instinct on the food reflex as a factor necessary for existence. In the process of domestication of the dog, the man, taking care of the feed, gradually removed the ultimate goal of the wild predators’ hunting reflex – to eat the prey and developed it, and also strengthened the hunting instinct from them. Continue reading

Elk hunting

In addition to this, the wounding on the wolf will remain in your mind not only the impression of participation in the field, the land, or the mark of the shot, but also the memorable rifle, but also the rifle marks, but also the rifle marks, but also the memorable rifle, but also the rifle marks. We invite you to see the Lost in Tver region. Oxon season starts in October and ends in December. Not looking at what was happening, gives the impression of a quiet life, looking for no less interesting than a bear.
It is not a matter of you. Continue reading

Every major camouflage company has its own color palette, if it produces fabrics itself, or uses a standard one, developed by suppliers of raw materials. Russian colors are significantly different…


Trophy hunting appeared in our country relatively recently. More precisely, in the Soviet Union there was none at all, and the best elks 'horns were used to decorate the hunting…


How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…
