Boar Hunt
Since ancient times, hunting has an important place in human life. If earlier it was the only way to get food, today it is a way to feel like a Hunter, to experience wild excitement and adrenaline. The object of hunting can be equally animals and birds. Despite the protests of environmentalists, hunting has the right to exist, as it has been formed over the centuries and has already become part of our culture. Wild animals, breeding uncontrollably, can cause significant damage to agriculture in our time.
It is a lot of game animals whom hunting is allowed. But among them the boar is considered to be the most worthy and dangerous rival. Sharp canine fangs up to 10 cm in size can even stop a bear. Hunting for him – the lot of strong spirit and courageous men. There are several ways to hunt wild boars. The most interesting and dangerous is hunting with sieves. To this end, they study in advance the paths of wild boars, their feeding places and days.
Boars are active at night, at dawn, they stop feeding and go to secluded places. Herd animals, they are very careful, avoid open spaces. Therefore, hunters and huntsmen on the leeward side of the trail are setting up an ambush. They choose an in-depth place, carefully cover it with spruce branches and, trying not to inherit as much as possible, are located there a few hours before sunset. Sometimes boars go out to feed before dusk. Waiting for a wild beast, the main thing is not to make noise, do not talk, smoke and snack. Vision, of course, is a weak boar, but hearing and smell are great. In no case, do not underestimate the boar. He just seems clumsy and slow.
In fact, it is an unpredictable and agile animal that can reach speeds of more than 40 km per hour. When making a shot, try to get into the head or under the scapula. The injured boar is much more dangerous and fiercer, therefore, going on a hunt, you should decide in advance with who will insure you in case of an unsuccessful shot, leave yourself the possibility of retreat. Immediately you should not approach the dead beast, remember his treachery, make sure that he is dead.
Hunting downs requires tremendous patience, sometimes you have to wait for the boar until dawn, when he goes backwards. Good luck will accompany you on the hunt, if you learn to respect your rivals, wild animals and birds.