Interesting facts about the hunt
There is information that the famous Queen of France Marie-Antoinette had three genuine passions: clothes, love and hunting and fishing. What may be needed today in the process of hunting,…

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Altai with deer and ibex
Altai for me has become a place where I am constantly drawn. The reason to come here has always been a hunt. Mountains, horse crossings, field camp, and, of course,…

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Grouse hunting
The sounds made by the singing bird are unusual, they resemble the song a little, but they are pleasant and fill the forest hut with blissful joy. This miraculous sound…


The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct - a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild…


Hunting in Karelia is distinguished by its rich variety. Opens in the spring for 10 days on the capercaillie, black grouse, goose, ducks and woodcock drakes. In addition to geese,…

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Every major camouflage company has its own color palette, if it produces fabrics itself, or uses a standard one, developed by suppliers of raw materials. Russian colors are significantly different from imported. Our nature is somewhat different. Russia is so great that you, of course, will find a place for yourself with many foreign notions, but for the most part of its territory it will all be completely useless.

At least, it is not more effective than the usual unpretentious Russian tag, if its owner took care not of camouflage, but of disguise. The whole trouble of marketing among hunters consists precisely in the fact that they are trying to impose individual camouflage, and not camouflage.

In any case, an effective decoy for a duck and a goose will always be better than individual camouflage, as well as masking a sit-up, rather than an individual camouflage of clothing and equipment.

However, if you have money, you can buy camouflage self-bonding on the car, on the boat, even ready-made wicker measuring mats to disguise technical equipment and set-ups and huts. And it is possible to twist the reed and reed itself onto a regular mesh stretched on a tubular frame and not buy anything at all by bundles of wire. The difference in camouflage and camouflage is that camouflage is a set of measures that are attached to the place in the first place, and camouflage is only one small component, which under certain conditions can even be neglected, or reduced to local camouflage of a separate piece of equipment.

And if we compare the patterns of Real Tree, Mossy Oak, Beretta with something peer-to-peer, say, Kings, or domestic, then it is easy to see that foreign photo frame patterns for typical hunts repeat mainly their local features, say, corn fields, or lichens in an oak grove or on a rocky surface.

Of course, finding the same thing all over Russia is impossible, and in a domestic cane, a hunter in American corn fatigues looks just as silly as in the domestic Dubot or Dark Forest camouflage. A feature of most American camouflage is the hunt for a waterfowl in a cornfield and in a submerged forest. We in Russia have neither those nor other conditions for the most part, therefore such a camouflage pattern, if not completely useless, is no more effective than any arbitrary Russian, which is an order of magnitude cheaper.

Of course, we would all buy abstract hexes from Beretta, if that were available. Nobody argues with the fact that computer simulation of the texture creates an averaged camouflage pattern. but who said that in the place where you will be this particular version of the picture will be. It can be said with 100% certainty that it will not. Therefore, being in a kayak in a cane, you will hardly need a goblin, but you will not be able to do without appropriate clothes for a cane. And it will always be better to use local means for camouflage than to guess by industrial camouflage in an arbitrary hunting area. Well, quite funny – to buy a bunch of ultramodern camouflage with hexagons exactly under your favorite sit-down and hunting grounds, and on the spot to be covered with snow, or get under the twilight span. Beautiful pictures are good, but objective reality has always defeated any plan.

At the same time, without a pre-constructed shelter, hunting a goose on semi-walled meadows in camouflage with reeds is not very reasonable, but to pull straw, spread a neoprene camouflage lounger or dig in a pile in that very Leshem under the straw – will be just right. But the Leshy the devil is also different, so it is better to take the averaged simple and on-site impose on him precisely those materials at hand that are in a particular area. Witty and skills will not replace any know-how at all. And the money here is also useless.

In any case, goose hunting dictates much more stringent camouflage conditions than hunting a duck. At the same time, it should be understood that the same duck has eyesight many times better than human, and its viewing angle is almost 360 degrees, in which there are binocular zones in front and behind.

At the same time, a flying goose sees you from above and from afar, or even closed in the skradke. It all depends on the specific conditions, there are no universal recommendations, as well as an optimal equipment.

How masking depends on the characteristics of vision and perception of a duck and a goose, and what are these features?

In this regard, there are so many different fabrications, which, in my opinion, are mostly insinuations of equipment manufacturers. Making us buy more and everything different – this seller’s task is quite understandable. But first of all, we should understand the adequacy of the acquisition of completely non-cheap equipment.

Trophy hunting appeared in our country relatively recently. More precisely, in the Soviet Union there was none at all, and the best elks 'horns were used to decorate the hunting…


Peter II, Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna loved hunting, they still love her all over Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are reviving the traditions of…


Boar Hunt
Since ancient times, hunting has an important place in human life. If earlier it was the only way to get food, today it is a way to feel like a…
