The use of all hunting dogs is based on their inherent hunting instinct - a complex unconditioned, i.e., innate reflex. The wild ancestors of our domestic dogs, like all wild…

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Interesting facts about the royal hunt Source
Hunting was one of the favorite activities of many Russian princes, and then the kings. There are a lot of fascinating stories about how the rulers of our state hunted…

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In August, in Kamchatka, the hunt for a sandpiper opens. This is a teal-sized bird, quite plump by this time, that feeds on a tundra berry called siksa. Probably from…


Hunting for white partridges
In the central regions of Russia, white partridges usually keep in moss swamps that are abundant in berries.White partridge in RussiaUpon arrival in the hunting area, local hunters or best…


Weasel and Ferret
Ermine is a night predatory animal. It is valuable not only for its skin, but also because it destroys a huge number of mouse-like rodents and water rats. An ermine…

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cheeks yesterday

Fox Hunt with Manco Wounded Hare

The hunt for any animal is good when you know its habits and routine of life. Fox is no exception. There are no ways to hunt for it: they hunt day and night, with hounds and huskies. Each hunter-hunter, as a rule, has its own special way, the most experienced foxes lure a wounded hare.

How to lure a fox Continue reading


Every major camouflage company has its own color palette, if it produces fabrics itself, or uses a standard one, developed by suppliers of raw materials. Russian colors are significantly different from imported. Our nature is somewhat different. Russia is so great that you, of course, will find a place for yourself with many foreign notions, but for the most part of its territory it will all be completely useless. Continue reading


Exactly five years ago, our magazine dedicated a number to a similar topic. What has changed during this time in the hunting high-tech?

In terms of assortment – in general, nothing. Is that a surprise was the rapid spread of unmanned aerial vehicles, which are called drones. If in 2013, quadcopters were some exotic, now they are quite affordable for even ordinary citizens. Continue reading

Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone
September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not…


Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…


Caspian Sea
Passion for hunting was imparted to me by elder brother Vasily. Even as a kid, he often took me with him to the sea, to the mountains for kekliks, or…
