Popular hunting methods
Watching roe deer I want to immediately make a reservation, in my opinion, any stalking of the beast can be called amateur hunting rather than sports. A person who gives…

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Popular hunting methods
Watching roe deer I want to immediately make a reservation, in my opinion, any stalking of the beast can be called amateur hunting rather than sports. A person who gives…

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How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…


Fox hunting
In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the…


Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…

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surprising that from such

Fox Hunt with Manco Wounded Hare

The hunt for any animal is good when you know its habits and routine of life. Fox is no exception. There are no ways to hunt for it: they hunt day and night, with hounds and huskies. Each hunter-hunter, as a rule, has its own special way, the most experienced foxes lure a wounded hare.

How to lure a fox Continue reading

How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…


Peter II, Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna loved hunting, they still love her all over Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are reviving the traditions of…


Interesting facts about the royal hunt Source
Hunting was one of the favorite activities of many Russian princes, and then the kings. There are a lot of fascinating stories about how the rulers of our state hunted…
