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How do we get foxes

Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”.

The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of foxes can most accurately be determined by the number of broods.

Where to look for broods?
The hunter of the Tarsky district, the Omsk region, N. Nagaev answers this question in the following way.

Broods should be sought primarily in old burrows at the end of May, in June and July. Having established the number of inhabited holes and the number of foxes living in them, one can get an idea of ​​the number of animals.

The fox often digs holes in ravines, on elevated places, in the woods, in bushes, in thickets of weeds and in the steppes, not far from water bodies. It is easy to find a dwelling hole: there is often an earthen mound and a rammed platform, on which foxes play in the mornings. Here you can see bones, feathers and other food debris. Near the brood is almost always a fox. In the morning and evening dawn, approaching the hole, you can hear the fox barking.


In order to ensure the success of winter fishing, it is necessary before the onset of winter to throw a dressing near the inhabited holes: meat of dogs, cats, carcasses of fallen lambs, piglets, rabbits and birds. Practice shows that the labor expended on feeding foxes, more than pays off.

Good results are obtained by fishing in conquests. The carcass of a cow or horse that has fallen from a non-contagious disease is laid out on the edge of the forest near the fields in small birch forest or in the bushes. Prevent better lightly covered with earth. I place traps from the side of the belly and hind legs, since the beast usually approaches the carcass from these sides.

I make the installation as follows: I dig a hole in the ground, at a distance of no more than one step from the carcass, with the help of a knife and blade. At the same time, I spread the earth on a bag or a rag. A trap covered with clean gauze or paper is placed in a hole. Then I fall asleep on top of it with a thin layer of earth and mask it with grass. Thus, I set up three or four traps for the booster.

85-year-old hunter EI Volkov from the village of Lyubaya, Shimsky district, Novgorod region, warns young people that, with a salary of foxes, it is necessary to drive the fox into the number with flags. In this case, you should not shout loudly: a frightened beast can break through the flags.

In the pen, the fox sometimes hides, skips the beater, and does not go to the shooter. In the btoml case, you need to chase her a second, or even a third time. If the hunters find the night, close the exit from the site with flags and start the hunt again the next day.

One of the experienced hunters of the Kostroma region, A. A. Provorov, who harvested 42 foxes in the 1956 season, hunts from the approach and at the decoy.

This method requires endurance, the ability to disguise, move silently. You must go quietly to the fox to see it before the beast notices the hunter. Provorus enjoys hunting with binoculars and camouflage white coat.

An interesting way of hunting for a mouse-beast is recommended by E. V. Kudryavtsev from the Vitebsk region.

Once on a sunny frosty day in the forest, he saw a little fox. It was impossible to approach her for a shot.

Then he disguised himself and threw a wounded fox in the direction of the traveling fox, incidentally captured by him on the hunt. Fox immediately noticed the bait. Hunter shot the beast with a good shot.

How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…


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