Pheasant hunting in the UK
Among the admirers of hunting tourism, perhaps, there is no such fan of hunting by a feather who would not dream of visiting a driven hunt in Great Britain.And who,…

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In August, in Kamchatka, the hunt for a sandpiper opens. This is a teal-sized bird, quite plump by this time, that feeds on a tundra berry called siksa. Probably from…

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Almost like in Africa
In my youth, back in the Soviet era, I often went to the bestial hunt, where mostly moose were shot. These were the annual trips with the hunting team, in…


Boar Hunt
Since ancient times, hunting has an important place in human life. If earlier it was the only way to get food, today it is a way to feel like a…


For the red beast, or fox pens
In the view of most hunters, pen hunting is a hunt for wild boars, moose or deer. And it is not surprising, because even the Rules of Hunting clearly define…

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because I reached

Caspian Sea

Passion for hunting was imparted to me by elder brother Vasily. Even as a kid, he often took me with him to the sea, to the mountains for kekliks, or to the sands for hares. Hares there live in the desert sands and at the foot of the rocky mountains. I remember both my first keklik, and the first hare, and the first kashkaldak (coot), I will devote to this bird a separate article. Unlike the middle belt hunters, Caspian hunters respect kashkaldak.
The village in which I was born and raised is in Azerbaijan, south of Baku, on the Caspian Sea, formerly it was called Duvanna, then renamed Gobustan, meaning “land of ravines and gorges” in translation. Nearby in the mountains is the Gobustan Reserve, which is known for its rock art, which has been preserved here since the Mesolithic period. Continue reading


Hunting for a Tajik in those days was not of any interest. This could be judged by the fact that the Dushanbe State University had a team of hunters consisting of one person – Akramov Yahya Mamurovich, who is also the head of the department of mathematics, he is the chairman of this society. What brought us together, I do not even remember. But it was with him, and hunting took place in the mountains.
Why do I want to start a story about hunting in Tajikistan with a turtle? Continue reading

Hunting for white partridges
In the central regions of Russia, white partridges usually keep in moss swamps that are abundant in berries.White partridge in RussiaUpon arrival in the hunting area, local hunters or best…


Pheasant hunting in the UK
Among the admirers of hunting tourism, perhaps, there is no such fan of hunting by a feather who would not dream of visiting a driven hunt in Great Britain.And who,…


Peter II, Anna Ivanovna, and Elizaveta Petrovna, have been hunting for hundreds of years, they still love her throughout Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are…
