Caspian Sea
Passion for hunting was imparted to me by elder brother Vasily. Even as a kid, he often took me with him to the sea, to the mountains for kekliks, or…

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Finance Phantom review
How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…

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Fox hunting
In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the…


Hunting with a dog
Hunting should always be a complex - a hunter, a gun, a dog. Hunting a dog is much more interesting and productive. The wounded animal hiding in the supports cannot…


Pheasant hunting in the UK
Among the admirers of hunting tourism, perhaps, there is no such fan of hunting by a feather who would not dream of visiting a driven hunt in Great Britain.And who,…

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irregularities of the terrain

Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…


Interesting facts about the royal hunt Source
Hunting was one of the favorite activities of many Russian princes, and then the kings. There are a lot of fascinating stories about how the rulers of our state hunted…


Peter II, Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna loved hunting, they still love her all over Russia. Today, it is not easy to find people who are reviving the traditions of…
