Nobody needs a beaver
On the streams and small rivers of the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of our country, one can often see traces of the beavers' activity: bites, fallen…

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Grouse hunting
The sounds made by the singing bird are unusual, they resemble the song a little, but they are pleasant and fill the forest hut with blissful joy. This miraculous sound…

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Woodcock hunting
I can not imagine a more beautiful spring woodcock thrust, obviously awakened nature after a long winter, gives such a hunt a special color. In the old days, when the…


Boar Hunt
Since ancient times, hunting has an important place in human life. If earlier it was the only way to get food, today it is a way to feel like a…


Weasel and Ferret
Ermine is a night predatory animal. It is valuable not only for its skin, but also because it destroys a huge number of mouse-like rodents and water rats. An ermine…

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enterprising animal with

Fox hunting

In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the question: “Why do you need a fox when its skin is worthless?” And if they find out that I hunt with flags and from hats, the bewilderment grows. Whether other types of fox hunting is a matter of driving a snowmobile or shooting rifles during the day in the fields. Here you will have both excitement, and sport, and sniper shooting for 300 meters. And it’s boring to stand on a room or shiver from the cold in the tower. Continue reading

Woodcock hunting
I can not imagine a more beautiful spring woodcock thrust, obviously awakened nature after a long winter, gives such a hunt a special color. In the old days, when the…


Caspian Sea
Passion for hunting was imparted to me by elder brother Vasily. Even as a kid, he often took me with him to the sea, to the mountains for kekliks, or…


Hunting for a duck - the most popular hunt for waterfowl. As it is right, the first shot of the scribes make it look like a duck. Hunting for a…
