Fox hunting
In recent years, every trip I take to a fox hunt is puzzling to some people who sincerely consider themselves to be hunters. More and more often I hear the question: “Why do you need a fox when its skin is worthless?” And if they find out that I hunt with flags and from hats, the bewilderment grows. Whether other types of fox hunting is a matter of driving a snowmobile or shooting rifles during the day in the fields. Here you will have both excitement, and sport, and sniper shooting for 300 meters. And it’s boring to stand on a room or shiver from the cold in the tower. Continue reading
Fox Hunt with Manco Wounded Hare
The hunt for any animal is good when you know its habits and routine of life. Fox is no exception. There are no ways to hunt for it: they hunt day and night, with hounds and huskies. Each hunter-hunter, as a rule, has its own special way, the most experienced foxes lure a wounded hare.
How to lure a fox Continue reading
How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”.
The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of foxes can most accurately be determined by the number of broods.
Where to look for broods? Continue reading
Weasel and Ferret
Ermine is a night predatory animal. It is valuable not only for its skin, but also because it destroys a huge number of mouse-like rodents and water rats.
An ermine is common throughout almost the entire territory of the Soviet Union, but it is mostly mined in Yakutia and Western Siberia. Continue reading
Hunting for white partridges
In the central regions of Russia, white partridges usually keep in moss swamps that are abundant in berries.White partridge in RussiaUpon arrival in the hunting area, local hunters or best collective farmers who go to pick berries should be questioned, where the swamps are located and what areas they are especially rich in berries in a given year. Continue reading