Every major camouflage company has its own color palette, if it produces fabrics itself, or uses a standard one, developed by suppliers of raw materials. Russian colors are significantly different…

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Interesting facts about the royal hunt Source
Hunting was one of the favorite activities of many Russian princes, and then the kings. There are a lot of fascinating stories about how the rulers of our state hunted…

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Nobody needs a beaver
On the streams and small rivers of the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of our country, one can often see traces of the beavers' activity: bites, fallen…


Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone
September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not…


Fox Hunt with Manco Wounded Hare
The hunt for any animal is good when you know its habits and routine of life. Fox is no exception. There are no ways to hunt for it: they hunt…

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light short hairs

Moose Hunting – How to Shoot Moose

Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose. A shot at the landfill on a collective hunting for moose also imposes on the hunter a burden of responsibility to the team, and sometimes even a skilled shooter cannot cope with excitement. Continue reading

October Hunter Calendar
October is the middle of autumn. Below goes the frozen autumn sun above the ground. The faded herbs dry up, the yellow leaf is showered. Quiet and empty is done…


Almost like in Africa
In my youth, back in the Soviet era, I often went to the bestial hunt, where mostly moose were shot. These were the annual trips with the hunting team, in…


Tsar's Hunt
Since ancient times, hunting with a bird of prey was not so much a way of getting hunting trophies as art and entertainment at the same time. It has not…
