How do we get foxes
Hunters have such a rule: “Do not start fishing without finding out where the beast is found”. The fox usually lives where there are many mouse-like rodents. The number of…

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Sokolnichy was not just a confidant of the king, but also a constant companion, and often an adviser, so it was not easy to enter this service. Admission to the…

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If you have already decided on a fishing tour, and know how to choose it correctly, then we offer you Fishing, Leisure and Underwater hunting on the Volga. Fishing on…


Moose Hunting - How to Shoot Moose
Shooting at a large beast requires in addition to accuracy of shot, composure, endurance, the ability to correctly determine the distance and knowledge of the slaughter places of the moose.…


If you have already decided on a fishing tour, and know how to choose it correctly, then we offer you Fishing, Leisure and Underwater hunting on the Volga. Fishing on…

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cannot hide from

Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone

September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not allow us to fully enjoy the warm weather.

During the rutting period, moose are hunted with the help of a semolina that reproduces the guttural call-up sounds of a male. In theory, everything is simple: blew into it – and the elk, irritated by the roar of a daring competitor, was right there. But life has its own laws. No matter how hard I tried, how many kilometers I walked, all to no avail! Continue reading

Weasel and Ferret
Ermine is a night predatory animal. It is valuable not only for its skin, but also because it destroys a huge number of mouse-like rodents and water rats. An ermine…


Autumn hunting for Alaskan elk: For elk alone
September this year turned out to be wonderful: the air temperature varies between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius. But high humidity (places are swampy here) and furious mosquitoes do not…


Weasel and Ferret
Ermine is a night predatory animal. It is valuable not only for its skin, but also because it destroys a huge number of mouse-like rodents and water rats. An ermine…
